The Rules Enforcement Committee (known as REC) is comprised of at least three (3) members of the Community. The REC will meet on a monthly basis, if necessary. A quorum of at least three (3) Committee Members must be in attendance in order for the Committee to take action. If a quorum is not present, the Committee will reconvene and reschedule at another date & time when a quorum can be present.
The word “penalty” when used in this document refers to a fine, revocation of voting privileges and restricting access to all card readers in the community.
The responsibility of the REC is to review a Home Owner’s penalty imposed by the Board of Directors (BOD). The penalty is assessed by the Board of Directors prior to referral to the REC Committee. Once a penalty is assessed by the BOD, the homeowner will be notified by certified mail as to the date/time/location of the REC meeting. This notification should be received at least 14 days prior to the meeting.
Only if the Home Owner appeals the decision made by the BOD will the REC committee be required to meet. The Home Owner’s presence is not a requirement for the REC to review the assessed penalty.
The REC and BOD must adhere to the Florida Statute Section 720.305(2). The BOD will utilize general guidelines for penalty assessments which will be forwarded to the REC under separate cover. These are guidelines that will be followed for general penalty consistency.
Prior to the appeal meeting date, the REC Members will review all violation documentation provided to them by the Board of Directors and/or the Property Management Company. The REC will have the sole discretion to approve, or vacate the penalty assessed by the BOD. The REC “cannot” change or modify, but has the legal authority to approve or decline the BOD’s decision in its entirety.
Once the REC renders its final decision, no further appeal can be made by the HomeOwner, to either the Board of Directors or the Rules Enforcement Committee.
Once the REC has reviewed and rendered its final decision, they will complete the appropriate documentation and forward said documentation to the Property Management Company for review and compliance.